
Boss says a missing brother in law is not a family emergency

Today I left work so that I could watch my niece and nephew while my sister went out to look for their dad. When I asked to leave due to a “family emergency” she asked what was going on. I didn’t feel like I should have had to share anything at all but I told her what’s going on. My sister and her husband are separated but still living in the same house. He’s been gone for 72 hours now and after sending cryptic texts yesterday she wanted to go look for him today. He has a substance abuse problem. My boss said she’ll “let me go this time but this wouldn’t normally be an acceptable family emergency”.

Today I left work so that I could watch my niece and nephew while my sister went out to look for their dad. When I asked to leave due to a “family emergency” she asked what was going on. I didn’t feel like I should have had to share anything at all but I told her what’s going on.
My sister and her husband are separated but still living in the same house. He’s been gone for 72 hours now and after sending cryptic texts yesterday she wanted to go look for him today. He has a substance abuse problem.

My boss said she’ll “let me go this time but this wouldn’t normally be an acceptable family emergency”.

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