
Boss telling me reasons “why I shouldn’t be feeling the way I do”

I sent my boss an email (he’s remote, so in person doesn’t happen much) about how I am not supported, how I am expected to give give give and yet I get nothing in return. That I have not been set up for success. How no one checks up with me, make sure I have what I need (I ask when I need things, but in general) and how I took 2 departments on when their leaders left and spread me thin so my teams got overwhelmed. He proceeded to tell me all these reasons why I shouldn’t be feeling the way I am and that it’s basically my fault for anything that’s happening. Am I crazy? I’m performing just fine, but am overwhelmed and haven’t spoken until now. I’m 10 months in.

I sent my boss an email (he’s remote, so in person doesn’t happen much) about how I am not supported, how I am expected to give give give and yet I get nothing in return. That I have not been set up for success.

How no one checks up with me, make sure I have what I need (I ask when I need things, but in general) and how I took 2 departments on when their leaders left and spread me thin so my teams got overwhelmed.

He proceeded to tell me all these reasons why I shouldn’t be feeling the way I am and that it’s basically my fault for anything that’s happening.

Am I crazy? I’m performing just fine, but am overwhelmed and haven’t spoken until now. I’m 10 months in.

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