
Boss told my gf who also works with me one of the reasons I don’t get a raise

I work in retail with my girlfriend (she started after me) they told me the perishable side of the store is the highest paid I started off at 12.50 due to only the fact I worked retail before then got me to join another part of the department and that “eventually I would get a raise” well the store manager who decides all raises while talking to my gf as she went from front end to doing half front end and half deli and giving her a raise within a like 2 months, that one of the only problems with me is that I don't look happy when I come to work despite never giving me the raise I was told would eventually come and keeping me in frozen despite having plenty of people in it and me working my ass of in meat department( which is a department I…

I work in retail with my girlfriend (she started after me) they told me the perishable side of the store is the highest paid I started off at 12.50 due to only the fact I worked retail before then got me to join another part of the department and that “eventually I would get a raise” well the store manager who decides all raises while talking to my gf as she went from front end to doing half front end and half deli and giving her a raise within a like 2 months, that one of the only problems with me is that I don't look happy when I come to work despite never giving me the raise I was told would eventually come and keeping me in frozen despite having plenty of people in it and me working my ass of in meat department( which is a department I actually love to work in but i hate frozen since they make me keep stuff full for them despite me needing to stay in my side over at meat department)

Edit:sorry for typos/grammar I'm on mobile and it's very late so I'm tired

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