
Boss tried to fire me. After I already quit.

Background: I'm 40 yrs old with 15 yrs of experience plus a degree in my role. I've been with this company for 5 years, with a brief break when they laid my entire team off. I reapplied for a new role, and rejoined about 8 wks later. It's been okay, but incredibly bureaucratic, and understaffed. I've been considering a change, and looking for my next career move for more seniority and higher wages. A week ago I accepted an offer at a rapidly growing company that's disruptive in my industry. My boss was on vacation, but I was aware that they'd need to recruit to fill the role. So I met with the Head of HR and gave 3wks notice, then called my boss and let him know over the phone. Since then I prepped all my passwords, processes and procedures, and completed training for my direct reports so they…

Background: I'm 40 yrs old with 15 yrs of experience plus a degree in my role. I've been with this company for 5 years, with a brief break when they laid my entire team off. I reapplied for a new role, and rejoined about 8 wks later. It's been okay, but incredibly bureaucratic, and understaffed. I've been considering a change, and looking for my next career move for more seniority and higher wages.

A week ago I accepted an offer at a rapidly growing company that's disruptive in my industry. My boss was on vacation, but I was aware that they'd need to recruit to fill the role. So I met with the Head of HR and gave 3wks notice, then called my boss and let him know over the phone.

Since then I prepped all my passwords, processes and procedures, and completed training for my direct reports so they could manage the interim. I completed my expense report and paid off my corporate credit card. I paused all payments and notified my external contractors who their new contacts were. Took a long weekend, and returned to the office today to keep on wrapping up items.

My boss sat me down and told me my quitting was a personal insult to him, that he hired me with zero experience or qualifications (I actually applied for my current role, the promotion was not offered to me) and that I better not pilfer anyone else. He told me he had built my career and that I was a fool for rejecting it, that I wouldn't ever achieve what I had at his company, and that I was no longer welcome in the building.

His EA brought me a cardboard box and had to follow me to my car to make sure I left.

Apparently it's okay to be laid off by him, and that wasn't personal – but it's not okay for me to resign.

And, also, Boss: I had 10 years' experience when I walked in the door, and I did the work for my degree and my career, not you. So, no. I built my career, and I'm going to keep doing it.

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