
Boss trying to get back at me for showing what his favorite is doing wrong.

I’ll just start by saying this is my alt account cause, well, you never know who is watching. I am a plumber for an extremely small company, like 5 of us. I started work here maybe a year ago. My boss is an extremely odd guy and has one employee he constantly reminds me of being his favorite employee cause they’ve worked together over 20 years. Now this employee, and my coworker, is a major alcoholic and my boss, and the owner, are aware that he has been drunk on the job, drinks in company vehicles, and is a huge pain in the ass to work with. So I’ve mentioned to my boss many times that me and this guy do not work well together and the other day I finally told him he’s drinking in the company vehicle I’m in with him and that my reputation and career and…

I’ll just start by saying this is my alt account cause, well, you never know who is watching.

I am a plumber for an extremely small company, like 5 of us. I started work here maybe a year ago. My boss is an extremely odd guy and has one employee he constantly reminds me of being his favorite employee cause they’ve worked together over 20 years. Now this employee, and my coworker, is a major alcoholic and my boss, and the owner, are aware that he has been drunk on the job, drinks in company vehicles, and is a huge pain in the ass to work with.

So I’ve mentioned to my boss many times that me and this guy do not work well together and the other day I finally told him he’s drinking in the company vehicle I’m in with him and that my reputation and career and safety is on the line by him drinking on the job and that I cannot work with him anymore. His response “yeah. well. What do ya do”.

Now, all of this happened Monday, and yesterday he sends me to one of the worst jobs imaginable for a plumber. Upon leaving he looks at me, smiles, and says “bet you wish you were with him now” and hops in his truck and drives away. At this point I’m livid but what can I do? I need a job.

I’ve caught him multiple times docking lunches off my time despite me not taking lunch at work alot of days and telling me “when you drive to the jobs or back that’s your break” but I can never say too much because whether we like it or not if you become a problem for management they will find any reason to get rid of you. I’ve applied for other jobs but they are taking their very sweet time getting back to me.

I feel like I should also mention that this isn’t the first time he’s ever pulled this kind of stuff before. I’ve pretty much been made to come to work on my off days despite not being on call, I’ve left work, made it home, and then called me back to work and when I say I can’t he threatens to work me to death.

Honestly I’m not sure what I expected from this post but I needed to just say my boss is a prick.

Edit: spelling

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