
Boss upset that I took two days to move into my new house.

So I just bought a house with my girlfriend. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, a massive commitment and a huge accomplishment for me. I’m so happy and proud of myself. The closing process was a mess and I kept my boss in the loop the entire time, that I won’t know until a day or two before and he mentioned that it was alright and he totally understands. On Tuesday I found out we were clear to close on Wednesday. I told my boss I have to leave early Wednesday and he was fine with it. I had Thursday off and I asked him prior to and on Wednesday before I left again that I would need an additional day to get my house in order and unpack and settle in somewhat. He said it should be fine and to not worry. THIS is where things get dicey. Friday morning…

So I just bought a house with my girlfriend. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, a massive commitment and a huge accomplishment for me. I’m so happy and proud of myself.

The closing process was a mess and I kept my boss in the loop the entire time, that I won’t know until a day or two before and he mentioned that it was alright and he totally understands. On Tuesday I found out we were clear to close on Wednesday. I told my boss I have to leave early Wednesday and he was fine with it. I had Thursday off and I asked him prior to and on Wednesday before I left again that I would need an additional day to get my house in order and unpack and settle in somewhat. He said it should be fine and to not worry.

THIS is where things get dicey. Friday morning he texts me asking me to come in for the dinner rush (I’m a restaurant manager) for just 3 hours to help out from 6-9 because we have some callouts and it’s very busy. I told him I was very busy and stressed out with the move and I have a lot on my plate, I can’t make it today. He said he’ll make it work.

I go into work yesterday (Saturday) and he says he wants to see me in the office. He starts saying how he expected me to say yes when he asked me and that three hours isn’t that big of a deal and that if I want to advance with the company and have a better work ethic then I need to make these sacrifices and have that grit to power through hard times. I looked at him in complete disbelief of the bullshit he was spewing. Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do. It’s not like I move every day, it was a one off thing. I don’t buy houses every week. I explained this to him and that I was exhausted from moving boxes all day and that I was very busy with one of the biggest personal accomplishments of my life and that this is an extenuating circumstance. He started telling me a story about how when his wife had a miscarriage he was at work the next day because he realized he needs to power through and have that grit to get through it. I told him that he needs to take care of himself and it sounds like he wasn’t there for his wife when she may have needed it. That it’s not a badge of honor to show up at work when you have something going on in your life. It didn’t compute, he just kept defaulting to having grit and powering through.

He told me he’s not going to write me up or punish me or anything but then he starts saying how he’s going to take away my Saturday off (there’s four managers we each get one Saturday off a month) so that he can reward someone who shows up to work and puts in the effort. I called him out on how he’s talking out of both sides of his mouth and he said it’s not that, and that I can disagree if I want to. He’s always been very fair and level headed so I’m so surprised but this behavior from him.

Anybody have any input? It’s been a solid job up to this point but I’m absolutely disgusted with my boss right now. I really did not think he was this much of a piece of shit.

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