
boss wants me to come early, clock in when I’m opening, clock out when I’m “actually working” and In on my breaks so I’ll be paid for the time in between.

Sorry this is confusing but it's a bit tricky to explain. coming into work before my shift, clocking in an hour before to get ready and open. clock out when store opens to the public and shift officially starts. clock in for breaks, out again when I'm back on, repeat process at closing by clocking in. only paid for time I'm clocked out as my “actual work time”

Sorry this is confusing but it's a bit tricky to explain.

coming into work before my shift, clocking in an hour before to get ready and open. clock out when store opens to the public and shift officially starts. clock in for breaks, out again when I'm back on, repeat process at closing by clocking in. only paid for time I'm clocked out as my “actual work time”

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