
Boss wants repayment from me personally because his business got scammed while I was on the clock.

Pretty much the title, looking for some advice. Some context: I work at a privately owned smoke shop with only three employees total, and we’re always on shift alone. I work two jobs, it was late one night and I got a call, I won’t get into the specifics but someone posed as the owners brother giving me orders that ended up in the shop losing quite a bit of money. I beat myself up about it a ton because I’ve never been scammed before, and I just felt so stupid for falling for it. I didn’t really think twice about what the guy on the phone was saying because he has other family members involved in the running of the business and heard people talking in the background that really sounded similar to the owner himself, and I was sleep deprived and not paying attention. As soon as I…

Pretty much the title, looking for some advice.

Some context: I work at a privately owned smoke shop with only three employees total, and we’re always on shift alone. I work two jobs, it was late one night and I got a call, I won’t get into the specifics but someone posed as the owners brother giving me orders that ended up in the shop losing quite a bit of money. I beat myself up about it a ton because I’ve never been scammed before, and I just felt so stupid for falling for it. I didn’t really think twice about what the guy on the phone was saying because he has other family members involved in the running of the business and heard people talking in the background that really sounded similar to the owner himself, and I was sleep deprived and not paying attention.

As soon as I realized the shop had been scammed I called the manager then the owner, apologizing out my ass. He just kind of says “alright we’ll talk about it in the morning” and that was it. I go in the next day after saying he wanted to have a store meeting with all employees, and then begins to berate me and yell at me calling me an idiot and basically laughing about how stupid I was. I got a little defensive back, explaining how I did feel bad, but it ultimately is due to his little involvement and how little he trains his employees that this happened.

The very first time I met the man in person (probably like longer than a week working there) he walked in, didn’t say a single word to his new employee, (me) went to his office for about 20 minutes, then very shortly said “bye” as he walked out. The manager just showed me how to use the register and that was it. I was just tasked to sit there and help whoever came in, no other training whatsoever.

In my opinion if you don’t train your employees on how to avoid scams, then you open yourself up to that threat. I just was the one that happened to be there that night, so it happened through me, and I didn’t have any training against it or any idea of how this guy does business. Fast forward two or three weeks and the owner calls me on my off day, and demands I start repaying him with half my check every week till I repay the full amount, which mind you is almost double my rent, and I’m hardly making my rent every month already with his 9 dollars an hour bullshit. I straight up told him no I’m not doing that and he just said we’ll talk tomorrow when I work in person.

If anyone has any idea on how I should approach this conversation some insight would be greatly appreciated, it’s been giving me so much anxiety since that phone call.

Tl:dr owner of a small business I work at is demanding repayment of money he got scammed out of while I was on the clock, looking for advice on how to approach the situation

Also sorry if the formatting is weird I’m on mobile

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