
Boss wants to ride my ass? I’ll take away their most productive people first before I go.

Like the title says, I’m fed up with this place I’m at. Granted, it’s just a second job to pay off some bills and I can quit at any point to replace it, but I’m going to make it hard for the manager to have bodies at all. So far all the open positions aren’t being filled because the company thinks paying minimum and asking maximum will attract talent. That aside, I’ve worked well with my team to get our tasks done because that’s what I can expect when they’re paid barely a living wage. But no, there’s all this stuff that my shift has to do because the next shift is too busy looking pretty and doing 1/5th the work we have. I already figured I’m going to quit before the year ends, so why not help out my team and get them connected with real jobs before I…

Like the title says, I’m fed up with this place I’m at. Granted, it’s just a second job to pay off some bills and I can quit at any point to replace it, but I’m going to make it hard for the manager to have bodies at all. So far all the open positions aren’t being filled because the company thinks paying minimum and asking maximum will attract talent. That aside, I’ve worked well with my team to get our tasks done because that’s what I can expect when they’re paid barely a living wage. But no, there’s all this stuff that my shift has to do because the next shift is too busy looking pretty and doing 1/5th the work we have. I already figured I’m going to quit before the year ends, so why not help out my team and get them connected with real jobs before I go.

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