
Boss won’t let me attend funeral

I have an exhausting warehouse job. I make a dollar above minimum wage and work night shift. The managers expect way too much for such little pay. I will admit that I call in often. I work with a bunch of people my age(19-22) and they also call in quite often. I miss about two shifts a month, which isn’t bad compared to most of my coworkers. My grandfather passed away almost two weeks ago. I found out before one of my shifts and called in. I did not say I was attending a funeral, but that’s what my boss assumed. Yes, he thought I was attending a funeral at 11:00pm. I found out today that the funeral is on Saturday. As soon as I got the call, I texted him asking if I could have the night off so I could drive down for the funeral. He said no.…

I have an exhausting warehouse job. I make a dollar above minimum wage and work night shift. The managers expect way too much for such little pay.

I will admit that I call in often. I work with a bunch of people my age(19-22) and they also call in quite often. I miss about two shifts a month, which isn’t bad compared to most of my coworkers.

My grandfather passed away almost two weeks ago. I found out before one of my shifts and called in. I did not say I was attending a funeral, but that’s what my boss assumed. Yes, he thought I was attending a funeral at 11:00pm.

I found out today that the funeral is on Saturday. As soon as I got the call, I texted him asking if I could have the night off so I could drive down for the funeral. He said no. He said we’re too short staffed.

I know I asked, but I wasn’t actually asking. I’m not missing my grandfathers funeral because people keep quitting due to the shitty work environment he helped create.

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