
Boss wrote me up for “productivity issues” and I said I would find a new job. Ask what he can do to make me stay when I find one.

So this is an old story but I did not know of this sub when it happened. I worked at a bulk warehouse on nightshift and was one of the best employees. When people called in I was there, when a project needed doing I was their go to, and I moved more product than anyone else on staff. Fast forward 7 years and the company rolls out a new hiring wage that was 17 cents behind what I was making. Needless to say I was agitated by that. I figured if new hires we're almost making as much as me I have no reason to work as hard as I was and started taking it a bit easier, I was still doing more than most and definitely more than what is expected of other employees. My manager noticed this and brought me into the office to issue a write…

So this is an old story but I did not know of this sub when it happened.

I worked at a bulk warehouse on nightshift and was one of the best employees. When people called in I was there, when a project needed doing I was their go to, and I moved more product than anyone else on staff.

Fast forward 7 years and the company rolls out a new hiring wage that was 17 cents behind what I was making. Needless to say I was agitated by that.

I figured if new hires we're almost making as much as me I have no reason to work as hard as I was and started taking it a bit easier, I was still doing more than most and definitely more than what is expected of other employees.

My manager noticed this and brought me into the office to issue a write up citing productivity issues.

I told and how ridiculous it is and how I'm still doing more work than most others are.

His response was, “It doesn't matter what they do you can and therefore you should.”

We end up arguing back and forth for a while and near the end of the conversation I said, “you do realize if you write me up for this I will be looking for a new job.”

He tells me, “you do what you have to do.”

So fast forward 2 months and I found a new job I wrote up my two week notice and it handed it to him at the beginning of my shift. Halfway through the night he rolls up to me on a forklift and says, “What can I do to get you to stay?”

I told him his chance was already gone and I'm taking the job, I really don't know what he thought was going to happen after doing what he did.

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