
Boycotts aren’t enough. We need Nation-wide General Strikes!

Let's face facts, the Death Cult Conservatives are winning everywhere, because they lie and manipulate their cultists in public elections, then do everything in their power to destroy our world. A General Strike will shut down an entire Nation until all our demands are met. These protests have worked in every nation, even the USA. Human Rights, Women's Rights, People of Color's Rights, LGBTQIA Rights, Worker's Rights, Saving the world from Climate Change, Millions being evicted into the streets by greedy companies, the list goes on. Everyone that cares about the future of the world needs to walk off jobs and take to the streets for months. Protest about everything and lock it all down until real change happens. Shut down every government building. Permanently shut down every company giving money to these Death Cultists. And protest at these politicians' homes and churches too!

Let's face facts, the Death Cult Conservatives are winning everywhere, because they lie and manipulate their cultists in public elections, then do everything in their power to destroy our world.

A General Strike will shut down an entire Nation until all our demands are met. These protests have worked in every nation, even the USA.

Human Rights, Women's Rights, People of Color's Rights, LGBTQIA Rights, Worker's Rights, Saving the world from Climate Change, Millions being evicted into the streets by greedy companies, the list goes on.

Everyone that cares about the future of the world needs to walk off jobs and take to the streets for months. Protest about everything and lock it all down until real change happens.

Shut down every government building. Permanently shut down every company giving money to these Death Cultists. And protest at these politicians' homes and churches too!

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