
Broken equipment and unsafe working conditions

I’ve been a general manager of a certain coffee shop since March. I absolutely hate it… equipment is always broken and owners of franchise won’t fix it… I’ve been asking for the door that is literally falling off the building to get fixed since April for safety and pest control reasons. After threatening to quit, they finally came out to fix it but left me with a 1” gap at the bottom where bugs crawl in. So i took my happy ass to Home Depot and rigged two door sweeps to the bottom of the door my damn self! I refuse to keep the store open with bugs! It’s gross and they should be embarrassed and ashamed. They have opened 3 new stores since i started. I have an oven down, an espresso machine down and because the owners brother is the maintenance guy it doesn’t ever get fixed… When…

I’ve been a general manager of a certain coffee shop since March. I absolutely hate it… equipment is always broken and owners of franchise won’t fix it… I’ve been asking for the door that is literally falling off the building to get fixed since April for safety and pest control reasons. After threatening to quit, they finally came out to fix it but left me with a 1” gap at the bottom where bugs crawl in. So i took my happy ass to Home Depot and rigged two door sweeps to the bottom of the door my damn self! I refuse to keep the store open with bugs! It’s gross and they should be embarrassed and ashamed. They have opened 3 new stores since i started. I have an oven down, an espresso machine down and because the owners brother is the maintenance guy it doesn’t ever get fixed… When he does bother showing up at all he is rude and will only fix 1 thing no matter how detrimental all the other things are. People yell at us for not being fast enough but we can’t go faster! Ownership expects me to have the same sales and speed of service as the rest of the stores with only half the equipment working!

I emailed my boss an email that I was about to send the owner last week until he talked me down off the ledge. He said he would send it directly to the maintenance guy to fix and not to bother the owners. Well this morning at 4:00 am while opening the store alone i fell and slipped on ice in the walk-in freezer that has been leaking when it rains! I didn’t realize it was there or what causes it. I saw a small amount of ice about a week ago but didn’t know what caused it so I addled it to the email list of broken equipment needing to be fixed. This is a health department violation and it is not safe. I would feel absolutely awful if it was one of my pregnant girls that fell instead of me today! How can I hold them accountable for the maintenance? I know I can do something about the injury but I can’t do much else about the equipment. I’m tired of it being a dangerous place to work. I love my employees. I don’t want them getting hurt and I don’t want to serve unsafe food to any customers. I deal with a million Karen’s that don’t have their coffee fix the last thing I want to do is injure myself while being abused by them.

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