
Broken vehicles

The place I work for has a pretty bad track record when it comes to taking care of company vehicles. Granted, it's a 24 hour 3-shift work environment so everything gets thoroughly used and abused, but things are getting ridiculous. This week we had to use a vehicle with no running lights and one working headlight for a mandatory road trip. In another state …at night. It's not the only car that has problems, but it does have job specific equipment mounted on it and so was the one vehicle needed for the job. You'd think they'd take better care of something like that. And before anyone asks, yes, I can refuse to use vehicles but it hasn't happened where an alternate vehicle isn't available yet. Yes, the boss knows about the many and varied vehicle issues. Things still be broke.

The place I work for has a pretty bad track record when it comes to taking care of company vehicles. Granted, it's a 24 hour 3-shift work environment so everything gets thoroughly used and abused, but things are getting ridiculous.

This week we had to use a vehicle with no running lights and one working headlight for a mandatory road trip. In another state …at night.

It's not the only car that has problems, but it does have job specific equipment mounted on it and so was the one vehicle needed for the job. You'd think they'd take better care of something like that.

And before anyone asks, yes, I can refuse to use vehicles but it hasn't happened where an alternate vehicle isn't available yet. Yes, the boss knows about the many and varied vehicle issues. Things still be broke.

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