
BS pre-employment tests

Long time lurker, first time poster. I think this community has done a lot to make people aware of the toxic jobs/bosses/situations they may be stuck in. Especially if you don't have any decent/trustworthy co-workers to talk to/confide in, you can end up feeling very isolated and alone. Having said that, I am now aware of my situation and wish to change it. Started applying online for a bunch of different stuff, some of which I am obviously overqualified for. But I am desperate to get out of my current situation so still applying to some of those. My issue is with these employment tests, In my case, it was a test administered by a company called Wonscore. It had 50 logic/common-sense type of questions and mentioned it was not about the amount of questions you answered, but more about the quality. I think I answered around 30 of them,…

Long time lurker, first time poster. I think this community has done a lot to make people aware of the toxic jobs/bosses/situations they may be stuck in. Especially if you don't have any decent/trustworthy co-workers to talk to/confide in, you can end up feeling very isolated and alone. Having said that, I am now aware of my situation and wish to change it. Started applying online for a bunch of different stuff, some of which I am obviously overqualified for. But I am desperate to get out of my current situation so still applying to some of those. My issue is with these employment tests,

In my case, it was a test administered by a company called Wonscore. It had 50 logic/common-sense type of questions and mentioned it was not about the amount of questions you answered, but more about the quality. I think I answered around 30 of them, and confident I was correct on all but maybe 2 or 3 of them.

The next part of the 'test' had a ton of questions, I am thinking like 150. They consisted of 4 professions, and you would rank them in order of your preference of doing those jobs 'if money were no obstacle' which any of us know that have been on this sub long enough is total BS. Some of the professions had no correlation to each other such as: actor, brick mason, EMT, file clerk. Since this was an online 'administrative job', in this case the 'correct answer' would obviously be 'file clerk'. Does anyone else have experience with Wonscore to know if I dodged a bullet that the company is using them?

I then received the response from them that they were no longer moving forward with my application. The only thing I can think of is that I didn't 'correctly' answer enough questions about the profession. I split them so not every single answer was the 'obvious choice'.

Now comes my question: What are y'all doing when you receive a reply such as 'We are very interested in you..please complete this useless BS test and we will get back to you!' ? For example “I'd like to learn more about the company before I complete this test. Please let me know when we can schedule a call”. I imagine I'd be ghosted more than not. But if anything, I feel annoyed that they tricked me into wasting about an hour of my time. Another thought I had: Maybe I answered 'too many' of the logic-type questions correctly? Like they figure someone who is not an obvious idiot would quickly become bored in the role and bounce?

I just feel like any of these tests are utter BS. Personality tests, logic tests, etc. You don't even give me a salary range yet you ask me to waste an hour or so of my time with your pointless tests, not even knowing the rubric/criteria you use to 'score' this so-called 'non-scored' test.


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