
Bullied at work, email to manager. Should I reconsider?

Hi all, I wasn't sure where else to ask so I'll post here. Supervisor at work has made comments like 'i'll be watching you' – quite frequently, mocking me infront of other colleagues (mostly mocking the way I laugh which is often a chuckle), referring to me as lazy when I'm probably the hardest working in our team, and icing on the cake, having a general chat and she randomly says 'I will try to get rid of you, or maybe you'll try to get rid of me'. Like what the fuck? It feels like subtle and sometimes blatant psychological bullying. She's lazy and contributes very little, takes a back seat whilst everyone else works. Others have noticed this. There are potentially 1-3 more who are not happy with her at all and may report her themselves, but I'm not sure. She's the only female in our team. I confided…

Hi all, I wasn't sure where else to ask so I'll post here.

Supervisor at work has made comments like 'i'll be watching you' – quite frequently, mocking me infront of other colleagues (mostly mocking the way I laugh which is often a chuckle), referring to me as lazy when I'm probably the hardest working in our team, and icing on the cake, having a general chat and she randomly says 'I will try to get rid of you, or maybe you'll try to get rid of me'. Like what the fuck? It feels like subtle and sometimes blatant psychological bullying. She's lazy and contributes very little, takes a back seat whilst everyone else works. Others have noticed this. There are potentially 1-3 more who are not happy with her at all and may report her themselves, but I'm not sure. She's the only female in our team.

I confided in my other supervisor, told him I'm not happy about comments made by her and feel bullied and threatened, resolution arranged with the other supervisor there as a witness. It's apparent to me now that he will clearly take her side, she denied everything, even crocodile tears at which point I lost it and called her an actress. She offered a clearly fake apology which I reluctantly accepted, tensions flared after and she threatened to escalate the issue with management. I said that I wouldn't. Clearly irate that I exposed her true character. Other supervisor claims she calmed down and won't take it further, which I don't believe one bit. I think there's a very strong possibility her, this other supervisor and possibly 1 or 2 others will be out to attack me. They don't want me there because I work very hard, they don't and it makes them look bad. Well fuck them.

So now I'm considering getting signed off work with stress in the morning, forwarding the doctors certificate to my manager and emailing him this. He's generally ok. I want to cover myself incase she goes on the attack. Should I revise this? Please note, he explained we (me and other colleague) that we may receive hostility when being transferred (from days to night shifts). I've worked at this company for almost 20 years, not once have I reported someone to management or been on the receiving end. Only for the past year have I worked nights. For 8 months of this, the bitch supervisor was on a career break. I'm not bringing names into it yet and want to keep it informal, but think my manager will probably state he can't find a resolution without names:

'Dear ********,

Please find doctors certificate enclosed. Prior to transferring myself and (colleague) to nights, you mentioned we may receive some hostility. Unfortunately this has been my experience. An attempt at resolution was made, but I am not adequately convinced nor content with the outcome. The individual concerned initially apologised for making comments I was deeply offended by, I accepted, however tensions flared shortly after and comments were made which led to me being unconvinced by the outcome. I want to express that the individual involved and other colleagues stated that I should not have bottled this up, and should have raised my concerns sooner and I agreed with this. However, as tensions flared after an attempt at resolution, I remain unconvinced by the outcome.

This situation has caused me a great deal of stress and anxiety, my sleep and appetite have been greatly affected and I feel my mental state detiorating. I have suffered depression in the past and am trying my upmost to remain to strong, resolute and stable.'

This is all I've written so far. I don't know what the fuck to do, but I don't want to be anywhere near this woman let alone have to work under her supervision. Should I just drop it entirely, go off with work related stress and hold back? If she goes on the offensive, then I have the green light to tell my manager everything. I could request to be sent elsewhere to work.

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