
Burger King corporate won’t allow franchises to have tip jars. I just spoke to the manager of one and I’m determined to give this POS company bad publicity until they change their policy.

it's late night, i stopped for a burger at the only place open this time and after i payed i went to give them a tip… but there was no tip jar! i asked the manager why and she said that corporate won't allow it because “customers think it's rude”. this is incredibly fucked up. i dont care what anyone says, this type of work is hard and these people provide us with great service. please make this post popular, or better yet call burger king corporate and complain! leave bad reviews! fuck people who are made “uncomfortable” by a fucking tip jar! don't go out to eat if you can't afford to tip! these people produce far more value for these billionaire scum bag CEOs than what they're being payed.

it's late night, i stopped for a burger at the only place open this time and after i payed i went to give them a tip… but there was no tip jar! i asked the manager why and she said that corporate won't allow it because “customers think it's rude”. this is incredibly fucked up. i dont care what anyone says, this type of work is hard and these people provide us with great service. please make this post popular, or better yet call burger king corporate and complain! leave bad reviews!

fuck people who are made “uncomfortable” by a fucking tip jar! don't go out to eat if you can't afford to tip! these people produce far more value for these billionaire scum bag CEOs than what they're being payed.

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