
Burnout in your industry

For some time now I have been noticing that most people in IT, my industry, burn out fast. Like they have barely 5 years in the industry before they leave to do literally anything else, most of the time unrelated. Guy who was my boss went to fix cars, a girls I worked with now teaches English, a friend now sells cellphones. Does this happen in any other industries? I feel like I have some wood left to burn still but I don't know how long I've got.

For some time now I have been noticing that most people in IT, my industry, burn out fast. Like they have barely 5 years in the industry before they leave to do literally anything else, most of the time unrelated.

Guy who was my boss went to fix cars, a girls I worked with now teaches English, a friend now sells cellphones. Does this happen in any other industries? I feel like I have some wood left to burn still but I don't know how long I've got.

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