
Burnt out ;~’;

(19 right now).. As soon as I graduated HS I started working, there was no pressure from my family, I just felt pressured from the way the country taught me (all adults need to work mentality). did pizza delivery, janitorial, and customer service within a few months. Quit my pizza job, had me hauling 150lbs of trash in 109 degree heat, fuck that. They trained me for 15 minutes at my Janitor job and assumed I was ready to go and eventually laid me off when i had no idea what the fuck to do, and laid off from my seasonal customer service job which was meh. Those few months told me all i need to know ab the workforce. No idea how the fuck people are able to do this on a daily basis without going insane. I've been unemployed for months, and no real pressure to get another…

(19 right now).. As soon as I graduated HS I started working, there was no pressure from my family, I just felt pressured from the way the country taught me (all adults need to work mentality). did pizza delivery, janitorial, and customer service within a few months. Quit my pizza job, had me hauling 150lbs of trash in 109 degree heat, fuck that. They trained me for 15 minutes at my Janitor job and assumed I was ready to go and eventually laid me off when i had no idea what the fuck to do, and laid off from my seasonal customer service job which was meh. Those few months told me all i need to know ab the workforce. No idea how the fuck people are able to do this on a daily basis without going insane.

I've been unemployed for months, and no real pressure to get another job, i feel bad for staying at home doing nothing though. How do you get that oomph back? I'm waiting for a call back on this job where I have all my paperwork and shit done.. literally just waiting for the call to come into training, but I already dread the day I have to wake up and set my hobbies and life down to go work again. I can't already be burnt out from this shit lol. I understand it doesn't get better, but how do you at least get the desire to wake up in the morning and not quit?!

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