
Bus your own table and shut up

The other day I had a conversation with someone I know, who immigrated here from the UK, got a great job, he now earns 200K and will retire early. His wife also has a good job. He said he went to a popular Italian chain restaurant and the tables were cluttered and dirty. They had not been bussed. The restaurant manager told him “nobody wants to work anymore” so he repeated this to me. He asked me “what are 'they' doing now if they aren't working?” I'm sure he wanted me to agree with him that people are just too lazy to work these days. I didn't, though. I told him “people have moved on to better jobs, that's why”. He said he didn't believe this. He kept demanding to know what “they” are doing instead of working. I told him wages haven't gone up or kept pace with inflation…

The other day I had a conversation with someone I know, who immigrated here from the UK, got a great job, he now earns 200K and will retire early. His wife also has a good job. He said he went to a popular Italian chain restaurant and the tables were cluttered and dirty. They had not been bussed. The restaurant manager told him “nobody wants to work anymore” so he repeated this to me. He asked me “what are 'they' doing now if they aren't working?” I'm sure he wanted me to agree with him that people are just too lazy to work these days. I didn't, though.

I told him “people have moved on to better jobs, that's why”. He said he didn't believe this. He kept demanding to know what “they” are doing instead of working. I told him wages haven't gone up or kept pace with inflation or rent. He then said landlords should be able to charge whatever amount of rent they want. Which further proves my point that people can't work at restaurants and pay rent that keeps going up higher and higher.

He acted as though someone of his stature in society should never have to walk into a restaurant and see un-bussed tables.

At this point I don't feel like I can ever talk to him again. He has plenty of money to go to these restaurants and whine and judge people if the place isn't to his liking.

Here's what you should do if you go to a restaurant and see dirty tables. Don't like it? Get an apron on and clean it yourself. Or go somewhere else or make a sandwich at home. Instead of talking about how “they” should be working.

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