
business which promotes and depromotes at will wonders why no one wants to work for them

today the company i work (chain retail) for pulled an even shittier move than usual. first of all, we are understaffed. technically we have enough managers employed at our store, but they transferred one of us to a place with even less staff. their logic goes that instead of one store having normal hours and not being overworked while another closes early, both should have overworked staff and close early. i am a manager in training. one of the other managers decides to go on their first vacation in six years. i get a call from corporate saying that because i am the only manager available, i would be promoted with a $2 raise. fine, right? still poverty wages in my area, but not a step down, at the very least. before i could say “thank you”, they then promptly informed me that once my store's manager was off vacation,…

today the company i work (chain retail) for pulled an even shittier move than usual. first of all, we are understaffed. technically we have enough managers employed at our store, but they transferred one of us to a place with even less staff. their logic goes that instead of one store having normal hours and not being overworked while another closes early, both should have overworked staff and close early.

i am a manager in training. one of the other managers decides to go on their first vacation in six years.

i get a call from corporate saying that because i am the only manager available, i would be promoted with a $2 raise. fine, right? still poverty wages in my area, but not a step down, at the very least.

before i could say “thank you”, they then promptly informed me that once my store's manager was off vacation, i would be depromoted and my wages returned to my former rate.

no manager has lasted more than three months, according to my very loyal and hardworking boss–and even he is starting to complain about his treatment. i am on my fourth month and i was already looking for more work, even if i felt a little guilty about it. i don't feel guilty anymore.

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