
Call Centers

A great coworker I had got moved to another position which eventually was downsized. Instead of letting him go and collect unemployment, they are keeping him employed saying they are “looking for another position to move him into” but he’s not scheduled any hours (AKA not being paid). They’re basically trying to force him to quit so they don’t have to pay the unemployment tax. I think I found him a new position but jfc am I sick of this crap when companies like this tout “people first” values. I’m interested to know other peoples crap experiences in the “outsourcing”industry.

A great coworker I had got moved to another position which eventually was downsized. Instead of letting him go and collect unemployment, they are keeping him employed saying they are “looking for another position to move him into” but he’s not scheduled any hours (AKA not being paid). They’re basically trying to force him to quit so they don’t have to pay the unemployment tax. I think I found him a new position but jfc am I sick of this crap when companies like this tout “people first” values.

I’m interested to know other peoples crap experiences in the “outsourcing”industry.

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