
Call Centers that do fake calls as part of training…

Has anyone else noticed this newish thing that some call centers do. You do your training, and they send you to the call floor, but the calls are obviously fake. I work at an outbound call center, and most calls go to voice mail, but the few that pick up are obviously fake. Like the scenarios are clearly straight out of the training slides and they all use certain phrases that trigger you to say the line or check certain boxes. After a while you start getting familiar with the voices. I don't know why, but this enrages me. They're lying to you because they don't believe you will take the training serious enough if they just tell you that's what's going on. And it's just so silly and annoying that we have to all pretend this is real. It's so much more tedious and boring than the real calls.…

Has anyone else noticed this newish thing that some call centers do. You do your training, and they send you to the call floor, but the calls are obviously fake. I work at an outbound call center, and most calls go to voice mail, but the few that pick up are obviously fake. Like the scenarios are clearly straight out of the training slides and they all use certain phrases that trigger you to say the line or check certain boxes. After a while you start getting familiar with the voices.

I don't know why, but this enrages me. They're lying to you because they don't believe you will take the training serious enough if they just tell you that's what's going on. And it's just so silly and annoying that we have to all pretend this is real. It's so much more tedious and boring than the real calls. Just let me get cursed out by old ladies and get on with it. This stupid shit is way more annoying.

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