
Call centre job sucks

I am stuck in this loop of exploitation.i can't take a break but take calls continuosly for 8 fed up with talking to some strangers all day..along with that the pressure from bosses to increase count..this is ridiculous..I start to hate the world of jobs.. I hate th ceos and hate all the bosses across the world that exploit peoples for money.. I hate myself for being in this situation and for not getting suitable degree to get a salary jobs.

I am stuck in this loop of exploitation.i can't take a break but take calls continuosly for 8 fed up with talking to some strangers all day..along with that the pressure from bosses to increase count..this is ridiculous..I start to hate the world of jobs..
I hate th ceos and hate all the bosses across the world that exploit peoples for money..
I hate myself for being in this situation and for not getting suitable degree to get a salary jobs.

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