

Please anyone and everyone please spread the word. Our Elections have been rigged, countless of ballots showing incorrect votes, machines breaking, the deadline not allowed to extend, and now the tally is up and the Dictator's Son is back in office and this is not ok! It hasn't even been 24hrs since the counting and media blackouts have already started. Redtagging and police violence have begun immediately. Please spread the word. Everything is in twitter, please retweet and share. People need to know. The world needs to know. This country is all we have, please remember our struggle.

Please anyone and everyone please spread the word. Our Elections have been rigged, countless of ballots showing incorrect votes, machines breaking, the deadline not allowed to extend, and now the tally is up and the Dictator's Son is back in office and this is not ok!

It hasn't even been 24hrs since the counting and media blackouts have already started. Redtagging and police violence have begun immediately. Please spread the word. Everything is in twitter, please retweet and share. People need to know. The world needs to know.

This country is all we have, please remember our struggle.

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