
Called out with a legitimate excuse and still feel guilty

Deleting soon (incase someone from my job somehow notices the details) but I made an appointment two hours before work and since my clinic is disorganized, it ended up being moved to three hours later. I called out and put in pto. A coworker of mine called me about my whereabouts and I told her that I was at a doctor’s appointment and I had no control over timing so I called out. It lasted three hours in total and although my urine was clean, I had some blood work done and being anemic, it really took a toll on me so I’m fatigue and in bed with a throbbing headache. I notified my coworker and feel guilty (although I’m the only closer with mandatory overtime and yesterday I was left with entitled, impatient customers while management was nowhere to be found until closing and coworkers got off an hour…

Deleting soon (incase someone from my job somehow notices the details) but I made an appointment two hours before work and since my clinic is disorganized, it ended up being moved to three hours later. I called out and put in pto. A coworker of mine called me about my whereabouts and I told her that I was at a doctor’s appointment and I had no control over timing so I called out. It lasted three hours in total and although my urine was clean, I had some blood work done and being anemic, it really took a toll on me so I’m fatigue and in bed with a throbbing headache. I notified my coworker and feel guilty (although I’m the only closer with mandatory overtime and yesterday I was left with entitled, impatient customers while management was nowhere to be found until closing and coworkers got off an hour before closing at the latest. The one time I call out in months, and it’s suddenly immoral yet they don’t call out or keep tabs on other coworkers.

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