
Called out yesterday. Boss proceeded to tell me that “managers don’t call out”.

I work as an assistant manager at a dine-in movie theater. I'm up for promotion currently, and I will then move to an entirely different location within my region. I'm honestly counting down the days, because my boss is insufferable right now. This weekend, my husband and I contracted a stomach bug. I spent majority of Saturday night throwing up and hardly got any sleep. I was scheduled to close the store on Sunday night, however I could hardly move and I felt like shit because of lack of sleep. Decided to go ahead and call out around noon, as I knew another manager was closing with me and Sunday night's are usually very slow. So I call my boss, explain what's been going on, and this fucker proceeds to tell me “Well, managers can't call out.” What? I just say, “Well, I can't even move out of bed, let…

I work as an assistant manager at a dine-in movie theater. I'm up for promotion currently, and I will then move to an entirely different location within my region. I'm honestly counting down the days, because my boss is insufferable right now.

This weekend, my husband and I contracted a stomach bug. I spent majority of Saturday night throwing up and hardly got any sleep. I was scheduled to close the store on Sunday night, however I could hardly move and I felt like shit because of lack of sleep. Decided to go ahead and call out around noon, as I knew another manager was closing with me and Sunday night's are usually very slow.

So I call my boss, explain what's been going on, and this fucker proceeds to tell me “Well, managers can't call out.” What? I just say, “Well, I can't even move out of bed, let alone make it to work tonight.” He then proceeds to tell me this could affect my promotion, and “sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do, like suck it up and work when we're sick”.

So I just said “Okay.” and then he hung up on me.

What a total asshole. Honestly, this man does nothing for our store except bitch and moan and get mad at us whenever something goes wrong that he suddenly deems as the most important issue in the store. He is so condescending and rude, and literally loves to stir the pot and make people upset. I literally cannot wait till I move locations.

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