
calling in sick because of family?

Hi all My wife's nan died yesterday. On top of that, both of my parents have tested positive for Covid. My mum seems okay but my dad has COPD and it's knocked him for 6. I wasn't able to switch off last night and didn't end up sleeping until silly o clock this morning. I've logged in to work but I feel like absolute shit. I've also got to try and work the second half of the day with my 6 year old son here (his mum is with her family this afternoon) and I feel like I need to sleep before then. Is this a valid reason or do I need to just try and get through the day? For context I've been in the job around 6 months and haven't had a sick day yet Update messaged and told the truth and was told 'No Problem'. Guess I…

Hi all

My wife's nan died yesterday. On top of that, both of my parents have tested positive for Covid. My mum seems okay but my dad has COPD and it's knocked him for 6.

I wasn't able to switch off last night and didn't end up sleeping until silly o clock this morning.

I've logged in to work but I feel like absolute shit.

I've also got to try and work the second half of the day with my 6 year old son here (his mum is with her family this afternoon) and I feel like I need to sleep before then.

Is this a valid reason or do I need to just try and get through the day?

For context I've been in the job around 6 months and haven't had a sick day yet

Update messaged and told the truth and was told 'No Problem'. Guess I was worrying for nothing 🤦. Now I'm going to bed

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