
Calling in sick before a certain time is bullshit.

Hello members of r/antiwork, here is my post about this rule because it just happened to me, and I'm wondering if there are any tips out there. At a lot of jobs, you have to call in sick before a certain time. For mine, its 10 AM. Now, I'm (16F) still in high school, so this is an after school job. Before 10, i don't have time. I have to get ready, bike to school, and attend classes. My first break isn't until 10.15. This morning, i felt fine. Nothing weird going on at all. During my first break though, I started getting a headache. Bam, it's 10.15. Too late to call in. I get permission to go home, so I call my job in order to mark myself absent. I did this immediately after, so maybe around 10.30. Got a whole rant about it, which I can understand. It's…

Hello members of r/antiwork, here is my post about this rule because it just happened to me, and I'm wondering if there are any tips out there.

At a lot of jobs, you have to call in sick before a certain time. For mine, its 10 AM. Now, I'm (16F) still in high school, so this is an after school job. Before 10, i don't have time. I have to get ready, bike to school, and attend classes. My first break isn't until 10.15.

This morning, i felt fine. Nothing weird going on at all. During my first break though, I started getting a headache. Bam, it's 10.15. Too late to call in. I get permission to go home, so I call my job in order to mark myself absent. I did this immediately after, so maybe around 10.30.

Got a whole rant about it, which I can understand. It's policy, and while I don't get the concept, but I can understand where the lady on the phone was coming from. Keep in mind though, this was the first time I called in sick for one day, and my shift didn't start until 5.00 PM. She told me to still come in though despite me not feeling well.

Here's the catch: i help in a kitchen. In the rules, it's stated that if you're sick, you have to stay home. Simple headaches and snotty noses fall under this, as they can still be symptoms of something that could pose a health hazard.

I didn't specify my sickness, so it should be assumed that i could be contagious. Could still be a mistake on my part though. Either way, i want to put safety over work, since I dont know if its just a headache or something more contagious.

I was told to still come in and go home if it didn't work out anyway. I tried to tell the lady that I was calling for a reason, but she cut off the conversation and said “until 5!” which took me back. Out of pure surprise I just hung up.

Is there anything I can do about the situation? My parents suggested calling back, but I felt uncomfortable talking with the woman in the first place and im scared that she's going to tell me to suck it up again. On the other hand, if I dont come in without calling, I'm afraid that they're going to take action. Technically they shouldn't, as I did already say I was sick, but I just feel anxious.

Extra details:

I live in the Netherlands and the kitchen I work at is the restaurant of a vacation resort that's all over the country. I'm also relatively timid, so if there are any solutions, I'd prefer any that involve little to no amount of confrontation.

Id like to thank everyone in advance!

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