
Calling your boss’s boss! (Small rant)

Ugh… Ok …. I enjoy my job. I have enough on my plate that keeps me fulfilled but little enough that it dose not mess with my home life. Well A project I was working in had a small hiccup , and I was their only contact, I could not approve what needed to be done and I could not reach my boss. So I called 2nd in charge he could not approve it either. I asked what to do , 2nd in charge “call the big boss.” I didnt want to talk to them, Im dont like doing that. They fixed the problem, yay, but I stuttered thru the whole question how to get something approved , apologized for have to get them involved like 6 times, thanked them more time then I could count. Now Im just hoping that there is no back lash for having to do…

Ugh… Ok ….

I enjoy my job. I have enough on my plate that keeps me fulfilled but little enough that it dose not mess with my home life.

Well A project I was working in had a small hiccup , and I was their only contact, I could not approve what needed to be done and I could not reach my boss. So I called 2nd in charge he could not approve it either. I asked what to do , 2nd in charge “call the big boss.”

I didnt want to talk to them, Im dont like doing that. They fixed the problem, yay, but I stuttered thru the whole question how to get something approved , apologized for have to get them involved like 6 times, thanked them more time then I could count. Now Im just hoping that there is no back lash for having to do this cuz I know I am not going to apologize to my main boss for calling the big boss. I feel like shit that I did but I had a short time to get hours of work done and needed that approval.

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