Calvinism rots the protestant work “ethic” to the core.
Basically, in a nutshell, most anglo-saxons* believe (and that’s so pervasive that even non-protestants believe it, too!!!) that poor people are poor because they are lazy, and they are lazy because they have no morals, and they have no morals because god has decided so, and there’s nothing that can be done about it, except punishing the poor because of their poor morals.
It’s not for nothing that France seriously persecuted calvinists and protestants for centuries, because they have a very toxic mindet that absolutely rots the social fabric.
Nothing will ever be able to be done until calvinism is totally eradicated from the anglo-saxon collective psyché. Which is to basically say “never”.
* “Anglo-saxon” is a French political science term that designates the protestant, english-speaking countries (England†, USA, Canada, Australia, New-Zealand).
† I purposedly avoided mentionning Cymru, Alba and Éire.