
Can a company make you pay back the cost of training?

So I’ve recently found out that my company is trying to get me to sign a document that states if I leave the company within 2 years that they will make me pay back all of the expenses(Airfare,hotel, car rental, cost of the class) related to training. They say that training for my job is no different than if I was to go back to college and earn a degree while they are footing the bill. Is this even legal?

So I’ve recently found out that my company is trying to get me to sign a document that states if I leave the company within 2 years that they will make me pay back all of the expenses(Airfare,hotel, car rental, cost of the class) related to training. They say that training for my job is no different than if I was to go back to college and earn a degree while they are footing the bill. Is this even legal?

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