
Can Amazon legally do this?

In November of 2020 I was put on a LOA from having intestinal issues. (Which my doctor firmly believes developed at the warehouse from an injury involving a massive battery falling into my gut.) I was granted short term disability, and eventually long term disability. I had to constantly have them extend my leave, which caused several weeks where I skipped pay, then was paid with multiple “catch up” checks. (Please keep in mind these were paper checks, as this is important to the situation.) One such occasion was in March of 2021, where it took Amazon several weeks to review my medical paperwork and approve my extension from February through April. They cut four different short term disability checks for that month, one of which was a check for $598.26. This particular check bounced after being cashed at the local check cashing institution. This prompted the check cashing place…

In November of 2020 I was put on a LOA from having intestinal issues. (Which my doctor firmly believes developed at the warehouse from an injury involving a massive battery falling into my gut.) I was granted short term disability, and eventually long term disability. I had to constantly have them extend my leave, which caused several weeks where I skipped pay, then was paid with multiple “catch up” checks. (Please keep in mind these were paper checks, as this is important to the situation.)

One such occasion was in March of 2021, where it took Amazon several weeks to review my medical paperwork and approve my extension from February through April. They cut four different short term disability checks for that month, one of which was a check for $598.26. This particular check bounced after being cashed at the local check cashing institution. This prompted the check cashing place to contact me and threaten me with federal theft indictments if I didn't pay them back. I contacted Amazon, who naturally fought me through April on the matter before agreeing that the error was on their end, and that they would pay the institute back. (Which they indeed did.) I eventually returned to work on December 3rd.

Now after fighting for three months for a medical accommodation to change from full time to flex, as well as my roles at Amazon, they are claiming I owe them that $598.26, and requesting I give consent for them to dock my entire paycheck until if is cleared. When I asked why I am just now hearing about this, the excuse I am given is “Because you were on a leave of absence.” Bullshit. I have been back since December 3rd. Why was I not notified when I returned? To this I receive no answer.

I understand if it was a legitimate overpayment. But this had already been brought up and dealt with. Do I have a legal obligation to consent to my pay being docked? Is this illegal that they are bringing it up literally a year later?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

P.s I'm in Arizona.

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