
can anyone afford recovery time anymore??

My wife and I own a small apartment building. It's about 100 years old and needed some maintenance. We called our (temporary) maintenance team and they came out to do repairs. (FIL hired some contractors to help with maintenance as we had just purchased the property. He hired them as a move in gift). It's two older men, one working as a “boss” the other is his “helper” in their workplace hierarchy. IDK what their positions are it's just their vibe. The “helper” is a dick. We live in our apartment building and day 1 of repairs he was commenting on how messy our unit was (we just moved in bro. I haven't even unpacked. Suck my dick.). Day 2 he was MIA. Whatever I don't have to deal with him. Day 3 “helper” is back to do more repairs. He looks like dog shit. He comments on my wife's…

My wife and I own a small apartment building. It's about 100 years old and needed some maintenance.
We called our (temporary) maintenance team and they came out to do repairs. (FIL hired some contractors to help with maintenance as we had just purchased the property. He hired them as a move in gift).

It's two older men, one working as a “boss” the other is his “helper” in their workplace hierarchy. IDK what their positions are it's just their vibe.

The “helper” is a dick. We live in our apartment building and day 1 of repairs he was commenting on how messy our unit was (we just moved in bro. I haven't even unpacked. Suck my dick.).

Day 2 he was MIA. Whatever I don't have to deal with him.

Day 3 “helper” is back to do more repairs. He looks like dog shit. He comments on my wife's tits. Classy. (Especially because he's being paid by her dad).

…. Then… we find out….
He had a heart attack a few days ago! That's why he wasn't around on day 2.

Why the fuck was he at work doing manual labour? His heart just decided to stop and now he's installing a deck.

Even though he is a raging bag of dick and I do not like him he should not be at work right now. God I hate this capitalistic, shit hole, system we're all stuck in.

Edited for typos and clarity

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