
Can DQ steal a Summer bounus in Kansas?

My Partner started working at DQ franchise here in our small town in Kansas. When he started the owner was excited to tell him that he started just at the right time she had a $2 an hour every shift throughout the summer bounus running (she told him it was to encourage the high-school staff from quiting halfway through the summer.) He started a few days after as a cook, this was in May 2022. During one hot evening shift, Temps in the kitchen were over 106° with an overworked a/c unit. My partner was sweating down his forehead, arms, and back. He later told me he had to remake food as he would bend over to add condiments and swear would drip down. The next day he decided to best mediate this problem he would wet a bandana throughout his shift to keep sweat off of food and keep…

My Partner started working at DQ franchise here in our small town in Kansas. When he started the owner was excited to tell him that he started just at the right time she had a $2 an hour every shift throughout the summer bounus running (she told him it was to encourage the high-school staff from quiting halfway through the summer.) He started a few days after as a cook, this was in May 2022.

During one hot evening shift, Temps in the kitchen were over 106° with an overworked a/c unit. My partner was sweating down his forehead, arms, and back. He later told me he had to remake food as he would bend over to add condiments and swear would drip down.
The next day he decided to best mediate this problem he would wet a bandana throughout his shift to keep sweat off of food and keep him cool.
About 3 days after he started doing this the co-owner of the franchise came in (he is also the principal of our local highschool) and pulled my partner outside almost immediately and told him that it was his personal preference that he take the bandana off. He didn't want the community thinking he hired felons or gang members. My partner tried his best to maintain professionalism as he explained it was in no way shape or form gang related and if it wasn't policy he'd like to continue wearing it to aide the heat. They agreed to disagree there.

The next night at work his supervisor came to him as he was finishing off dishes and said. “Alan(owner) told me to wait to the end of the shift incase you decided to skip out on work.. but, if you don't take it off you'll be fired.” Upsetting as it was he finished his work and came home to tell me.

He stopped wearing the bandana but I noticed a change in my partners emotions about going to work.. he felt humiliation but wanted to keep the stability so continued on.. telling himself that the end of summer bouns in August 2022 will lift some burden..

The wife co-owner called him today and said she is letting him go.. “you just don't seem happy here and the bounus is forfeited.”

My question is.. is this legal.. do we have any options.. has anyone experienced this before and how did they mediate the unpaid wages?

Thank you for reading this far and any advice

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