
can gas stations make you pay for messed up orders?

I walked into a local gas station and saw an old friend working. Hes was telling me how he was broke lately cause if someone prepaid and they put in the wrong amount or messed up how much was pumped it came out of their paycheck. I was a lil tipsy so I abruptly said “that sounds illegal as fuck bro I'd talk to the labor board about that one” in front of his manager. I dunno if I'm right but it sounds super sus.

I walked into a local gas station and saw an old friend working. Hes was telling me how he was broke lately cause if someone prepaid and they put in the wrong amount or messed up how much was pumped it came out of their paycheck. I was a lil tipsy so I abruptly said “that sounds illegal as fuck bro I'd talk to the labor board about that one” in front of his manager. I dunno if I'm right but it sounds super sus.

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