
Can I afford to quit?

I'm increasingly unhappy at work. I've been with the same company for 14 years, and more and more I'm seeing changes away from the company I started with. Furthermore, I don't see an “endgame.” Working hard, providing results, etc…and getting nothing in return. I'd like to get some advice on whether or not it's realistic to quit. Ideally, I would take some time off and reevaluate where I want to go in a few months. Relax, travel, whatever. I have two years' worth of salary in savings and another 6 months in an emergency fund. Is quitting just a pipe dream or is this something I can continue exploring?

I'm increasingly unhappy at work. I've been with the same company for 14 years, and more and more I'm seeing changes away from the company I started with. Furthermore, I don't see an “endgame.” Working hard, providing results, etc…and getting nothing in return.

I'd like to get some advice on whether or not it's realistic to quit. Ideally, I would take some time off and reevaluate where I want to go in a few months. Relax, travel, whatever.

I have two years' worth of salary in savings and another 6 months in an emergency fund. Is quitting just a pipe dream or is this something I can continue exploring?

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