Hi guys,
Long time lurker, first post. My company was fully remote for most of the last two years until about 2 weeks ago. We have onboarded and off boarded multiple people during the pandemic without any issue. I gave my one month notice and asked my employer if we could make the transition process flexible (part remote, part in person) since I’m moving to a new city/ending a lease etc. I thought that was quite reasonable. They are being completely inflexible and literally giving me the “how could you ever expect any of this to be handled remotely” line. Like the last two years never happened. One of the quotes was “I don’t care about your personal situation or lease.” I stayed professional when they said that, and Im trying to do my contractually obligated notice in good faith and transition my responsibilities. At this point, I want to respond with it’s going to be remote and what are you going to do about it. Any advice? From what I’ve read online, if you are contractually obligated to give notice (I am) then your employer can sue you for damages (usually the wages for that period) if you don’t. It’s pretty rare from what I’ve read, and this is a grey area. I’m not ghosting them, I’m just not doing exactly what they want. Pretty hard for them to go to court and prove a damage. But people are petty, especially this company.