
Can I get other’s opinions? My fellow key-holder said Customer Service & Food Service is only for thick-skinned people.

I work at [big name sandwich store] as the nightly person-in-charge. I used to be the main night person but I've stepped away to only working 4 nights a week because it's just too stressful for my autistic self. So I'm only here 4 nights a week and have been allowing myself to dip out of training new employees as much as I can get away with since I Just can't seem to do it unless we get along. Problem is, my boss hires at minimum wage and we are a part time place so newbies get anywhere from 10-25 hours depending on how much he needs 'em so as you can imagine we often get teenagers and people who just turned 16. Sometimes they're nice but sometimes its easy to tell that their parents told them to go get a job. I have a very hard time with confrontation…

I work at [big name sandwich store] as the nightly person-in-charge. I used to be the main night person but I've stepped away to only working 4 nights a week because it's just too stressful for my autistic self. So I'm only here 4 nights a week and have been allowing myself to dip out of training new employees as much as I can get away with since I Just can't seem to do it unless we get along.

Problem is, my boss hires at minimum wage and we are a part time place so newbies get anywhere from 10-25 hours depending on how much he needs 'em so as you can imagine we often get teenagers and people who just turned 16. Sometimes they're nice but sometimes its easy to tell that their parents told them to go get a job. I have a very hard time with confrontation and the way we train people here is to basically give them a few days of showing the ropes and from there correct them as we see them do things that we don't do.

Is this micromanaging? I'm not sure. But all I know is that I'm too shy too do it and my social skills are underdeveloped. To give myself credit I have been trying! I was lamenting to my fellow person-in-charge, K, about how hard I find this to be because I hate being pushy and rude and I don't like stepping on people's toes and she basically responded with, “In my opinion; if you're that sensitive then you shouldn't work in customer service.” And I've been thinking about that ever since. It doesn't help there's been on-going drama with the assistant manager regarding her curtness and abrasiveness (the boss has talked to her many many times) and me trying to support a co-worker but being told ultimately that she's a bit sensitive and that the AM is just how she is.

If that's true, then why is this field the most common starter jobs for teens? And if we are supposed to endure the emotional labor regarding customers shouldn't we be getting paid for it? Shouldn't the employees support each other? I don't think I'm cut out for this job but it's the most convenient thing for me right now so I'm stuck here for a bit orz

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