
Can I let my coworkers know that I have COVID?

Me and a few friends from work hung out Friday after work, I found out today I have COVID and let my work know and sent my friends a text saying they should probably get tested. My supervisor told me that I should NOT let them know and they(the company) need to come up with a plan to let everyone at work know. Is it legal for him to tell me this? I feel like I have a moral obligation to let friends from work know that I have COVID especially since we hung out outside of work.

Me and a few friends from work hung out Friday after work, I found out today I have COVID and let my work know and sent my friends a text saying they should probably get tested. My supervisor told me that I should NOT let them know and they(the company) need to come up with a plan to let everyone at work know. Is it legal for him to tell me this? I feel like I have a moral obligation to let friends from work know that I have COVID especially since we hung out outside of work.

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