
Can I quit during a workman’s comp case?

Not sure if this is the right subreddit, but seems like a good place to start- will delete if it’s not! (New to Reddit) I recently (about a month ago now) got injured on the job, and I want to quit but don’t want to lose the workman’s comp benefits and them paying for the treatment. (Regardless of how slow they are, it’s the principal of the thing). I’m lucky to be young enough to still be under my parents insurance, (thanks Obama) I work in an “At Will” state, and can provide more context if necessary, but just wanted to see if y’all could provide some info. Thanks !

Not sure if this is the right subreddit, but seems like a good place to start- will delete if it’s not! (New to Reddit)
I recently (about a month ago now) got injured on the job, and I want to quit but don’t want to lose the workman’s comp benefits and them paying for the treatment. (Regardless of how slow they are, it’s the principal of the thing). I’m lucky to be young enough to still be under my parents insurance, (thanks Obama) I work in an “At Will” state, and can provide more context if necessary, but just wanted to see if y’all could provide some info. Thanks !

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