
Can I quit without notice if my work environment is toxic?

I started a new part-time job a couple of months ago. However, it’s not really working out and I feel like the work environment is toxic. It started when I was reprimanded for posts I made and liked on social media (which had no relevance to the role and did not breach any rules stipulated in the contract). I was literally treated like a criminal for liking a Instagram post. Next, I found out that colleagues were talking poorly about me behind my back. When brought to management’s attention they essentially said that it was part of the job and that I just needed to adjust to the work culture. Then, I found out that there are mice in the facility I’m working in. I’ve brought this to management’s attention and they treated me like I was unreasonable for saying I didn’t want to work in these conditions. They were…

I started a new part-time job a couple of months ago. However, it’s not really working out and I feel like the work environment is toxic. It started when I was reprimanded for posts I made and liked on social media (which had no relevance to the role and did not breach any rules stipulated in the contract). I was literally treated like a criminal for liking a Instagram post. Next, I found out that colleagues were talking poorly about me behind my back. When brought to management’s attention they essentially said that it was part of the job and that I just needed to adjust to the work culture. Then, I found out that there are mice in the facility I’m working in. I’ve brought this to management’s attention and they treated me like I was unreasonable for saying I didn’t want to work in these conditions. They were not accommodating and essentially said this is normal for the area. Honestly, this job has taken such a toll on my mental health and I’m about ready to leave… there’s only 1 problem: my contract says I need to give 1 months notice. However, I was wondering if this would matter if I was experiencing mental health problems due to a toxic work environment. Any advice is appreciated.

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