
Can I sue?

Worked 5 years in an IT company managing the physical side of hardware deployment and all the repairs and interdepartmental stuff involved in that. Was diagnosed with epilepsy 2 years ago and made sure to tell them for my own benefit. A week later I was removed from my role into another which I again excelled at. The owner then denied me a wage increase I had been asking for for 3 years because of performance on the basis that I was “a liar” and supposedly didn't have epilepsy and would need confirmation from my neurologist. Once received I was again denied a wage increase while people were being hired on wages well above mine. It's 2 years since and am only coming to realize how shitty I was treated by someone who I've know since I was a child and who I worked 12 HR shifts for without extra…

Worked 5 years in an IT company managing the physical side of hardware deployment and all the repairs and interdepartmental stuff involved in that.

Was diagnosed with epilepsy 2 years ago and made sure to tell them for my own benefit.

A week later I was removed from my role into another which I again excelled at. The owner then denied me a wage increase I had been asking for for 3 years because of performance on the basis that I was “a liar” and supposedly didn't have epilepsy and would need confirmation from my neurologist.

Once received I was again denied a wage increase while people were being hired on wages well above mine.

It's 2 years since and am only coming to realize how shitty I was treated by someone who I've know since I was a child and who I worked 12 HR shifts for without extra pay as needed. It affected my mental state for the 2 years and I have found it very difficult to cope with the treatment.

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