
Can I sue for retaliation in an at-will state?

I was recently fired from my job at a chain restaurant. My GM was showing crazy amounts of favoritism to one guy and the whole store knew about it. The problem comes from the fact the GM was deliberately withholding promotions for anyone because he wanted to promote this one guy only. I brought the issue up to my DM who ended up doing a lot of yelling at my GM. Fast forward a couple days later, my GM who used to talk to me bunch has almost completely stopped speaking to me. I would try to start up a conversation and I’d get maybe a one word response. The kicker was he’s turn around after I tried to talk to him and he would start a full on conversation with someone else. Then the paper trail began. He started to write me up for everything he could think of.…

I was recently fired from my job at a chain restaurant. My GM was showing crazy amounts of favoritism to one guy and the whole store knew about it.

The problem comes from the fact the GM was deliberately withholding promotions for anyone because he wanted to promote this one guy only. I brought the issue up to my DM who ended up doing a lot of yelling at my GM.

Fast forward a couple days later, my GM who used to talk to me bunch has almost completely stopped speaking to me. I would try to start up a conversation and I’d get maybe a one word response. The kicker was he’s turn around after I tried to talk to him and he would start a full on conversation with someone else.

Then the paper trail began. He started to write me up for everything he could think of. I sneezed too loud? There was a write up. Within two weeks time he went from speaking to me normally, to not speaking at all, to firing me.

Do I have grounds to sue?

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