
Can my fellow salaried employees weigh in on if you think my HR is being unreasonable with their requests?

So, for the first time, I started working a salaried position. 8-4, M-F. Soon after I started, they implemented time clocks for the whole office. I thought that was weird because, again, I was supposed to be salaried. I let it go. Not long after that my boss starts telling me that HR is giving her shit because I sometimes clock in anywhere from 1-5 minutes late. (My commute is ~40 minutes so sometimes I get stuck in traffic, etc) Despite me always making up those minutes at the end of the day by not clocking out until ~4:10, they said staying late didn't count towards making up those minutes. I thought it was dumb again, but I let it go. A couple of months ago, my dad dies. I ran out my PTO in order to deal with it. They continually gave me shit for running my PTO dry…

So, for the first time, I started working a salaried position. 8-4, M-F. Soon after I started, they implemented time clocks for the whole office. I thought that was weird because, again, I was supposed to be salaried. I let it go.

Not long after that my boss starts telling me that HR is giving her shit because I sometimes clock in anywhere from 1-5 minutes late. (My commute is ~40 minutes so sometimes I get stuck in traffic, etc) Despite me always making up those minutes at the end of the day by not clocking out until ~4:10, they said staying late didn't count towards making up those minutes. I thought it was dumb again, but I let it go.

A couple of months ago, my dad dies. I ran out my PTO in order to deal with it. They continually gave me shit for running my PTO dry and sometimes going a little bit over. They show no empathy towards me throughout this.

Because I didn't want to give them anymore ammunition against me, i started making sure I left 10 minutes earlier than I should. So I clock in around 10 minutes early every day. But, I make sure I clock out exactly at 4pm now.

A couple of weeks ago I am told that I need to start emailing the receptionist every time I leave the building for my break. This pissed me off, but I did it.

Cut to my performance review yesterday – my boss makes it clear that I have performed extremely well and have managed to significantly improve the financial systems of the the company. That I am vital to this company. Great!

Until.. She brings up that people are noticing that I'm eating lunch at my desk, and then taking my 30 minute break. I usually will munch something at my desk before going on break because I would go on a walk or something instead of waste my time pick up fast food. Here's where I LOST IT.

I asked her to clarify – am I not allowed to eat at my desk? She says I am allowed. So I press further for her to very clearly explain the rules, so that I could follow them. She couldn't. Because they make ZERO sense.

Then she starts bringing up reasons why they think I'm not working when I should be, the main one being that I leave exactly at 4pm every day. She says “you have a reputation around here for leaving right when your shift ends”. I told her “Good! I'm proud to have that reputation! Although it doesn't make any sense since I'm consistently here 10 minutes early”

I was just dumbfounded. I lost my cool. I fought back against every single thing I listed here, and got her to agree that none of them have any basis in actual policy, and is not standardized across the company.

Things haven't developed past this, but I am hoping they do, because I find this whole thing absolutely ridiculous. They 100% are trying to control me for no reason, as I've demonstrably proven that I get my shit done, and done well.

Let me know if this sounds absurd to you or if I'm just overreacting.

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