
Can my job dock pay if I didn’t take a break?

So I’m an assistant director at a summer camp. Counselors at the camp have a designated break time, but assistant directors are told to just take their break whenever. We have to clock out for 30 minutes and then clock back in. Two weeks ago I chose to work through my break and just ate when I was doing stuff for the camp. I noticed my pay was an hour short of my clocked hours. I talked to my boss and they said I am required to take a break and if I don’t take one 30 minutes will come off my pay anyway. Was I wrong not to clock out or is this wage theft?

So I’m an assistant director at a summer camp. Counselors at the camp have a designated break time, but assistant directors are told to just take their break whenever. We have to clock out for 30 minutes and then clock back in. Two weeks ago I chose to work through my break and just ate when I was doing stuff for the camp. I noticed my pay was an hour short of my clocked hours. I talked to my boss and they said I am required to take a break and if I don’t take one 30 minutes will come off my pay anyway. Was I wrong not to clock out or is this wage theft?

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