
Can my job dock pay if I didn’t take a break (EDITED)?

Basically I worked through my lunch break instead of taking one. My work says we need to take a lunch break and must clock out for it. Since I am a higher level employee I am told to take my break when I want and am not given specified time for break like other employees. There are no laws in my state that says a break is required. I worked two days where I worked through a break, yet my company decided to dock me 30 minutes each day anyway. Was wondering if this was legal? I plan to fight this if it isn’t because this is just a summer job for me and this is just supplemental income.

Basically I worked through my lunch break instead of taking one. My work says we need to take a lunch break and must clock out for it. Since I am a higher level employee I am told to take my break when I want and am not given specified time for break like other employees. There are no laws in my state that says a break is required. I worked two days where I worked through a break, yet my company decided to dock me 30 minutes each day anyway. Was wondering if this was legal? I plan to fight this if it isn’t because this is just a summer job for me and this is just supplemental income.

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