
Can my work make me go into work when I’m sick as hell?

I called my work to let them I’m know I’m sick – fever of 101.3°, cough, sore throat, headache, chills, and that I didn’t think it was safe for me to come in. They basically said too bad that they were understaffed and I had to come in regardless. My boss told me she went to work even thought she was sick for a week. But idk that’s not my problem we are understaffed. I also work in healthcare and work at a substance abuse disorder rehab. I went into work but I just want to know the legality of this or ramifications of making someone who is sick come into work in a job in healthcare.

I called my work to let them I’m know I’m sick – fever of 101.3°, cough, sore throat, headache, chills, and that I didn’t think it was safe for me to come in. They basically said too bad that they were understaffed and I had to come in regardless. My boss told me she went to work even thought she was sick for a week. But idk that’s not my problem we are understaffed. I also work in healthcare and work at a substance abuse disorder rehab. I went into work but I just want to know the legality of this or ramifications of making someone who is sick come into work in a job in healthcare.

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