
Can you please post the salary range to the job info?

First of all, I hate these job postings where there is no mention about salary (not even a super wide range) and in the application they ask you how much do you want. I hate that. I never know how much is too much and how much I could realistically ask without pricing myself out. So I applied for this job awhile back. They asked how much I want in the application, I put about 50% more than I was making back then (keep in mind Im from small town and small town wages are lower than the big cities where the job is and it is 100% wfh job). I get the job and they just talk about how my wish was along the norm what they pay to someone with my experience. Tbh it just made me feel like I asked too little and could have asked more…

First of all, I hate these job postings where there is no mention about salary (not even a super wide range) and in the application they ask you how much do you want. I hate that. I never know how much is too much and how much I could realistically ask without pricing myself out.

So I applied for this job awhile back. They asked how much I want in the application, I put about 50% more than I was making back then (keep in mind Im from small town and small town wages are lower than the big cities where the job is and it is 100% wfh job). I get the job and they just talk about how my wish was along the norm what they pay to someone with my experience. Tbh it just made me feel like I asked too little and could have asked more and still get the job.

So the question is. Is there anything I can do in this kind of situation in the future?

I have tried to leave that part blank. Worked untill the interview where they asked me about it and I asked back how much do they usually pay (not in these words, Im not native in English, so paraphrasing). They just replied saying something about some random union and how they use that as the base point. I had never even heard about that union. Like yea, so helpful.

I feel like there is literally no winning in here. Either you get it right or you are underpaid and there in between you just have to switch jobs about trillion times to figure it out. Which sucks because I really like this job, the coworkers are awesome, my team leader is awesome, the owners are awesome and there are not really that many places that can even compete with the perks I have right now.

So yea. A little bit of rant.

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