
can you super demand you to do more?

So I work in a construction company Today my super came in demanding I do more than my current capacity And I was like no I'm doing my best for the day and won't do more And he was like I'm your super I can order you too And I was like yeah you're my super you can tell me what to do but not demand more And then it ended with him storming off Can a super demand more ? What can I do next time they demand more? Any laws I can use?

So I work in a construction company
Today my super came in demanding I do more than my current capacity
And I was like no I'm doing my best for the day and won't do more
And he was like I'm your super I can order you too
And I was like yeah you're my super you can tell me what to do but not demand more
And then it ended with him storming off

Can a super demand more ? What can I do next time they demand more?

Any laws I can use?

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